Salam berhujung minggu,

Another giveaway at Mummy's Review. This time you have the chance to win Bouncy Baby value set & 1 hemp insert worth at least RM159.90. You would love to read the review at Mummy's Review.. and the best fact that this cloth diapers is made in Malaysia & it's available online at Tiny Tapir.
notes :
1. the Bouncy Baby value set is consist of 3 cloth diapers + 6 microfiber insert (3 small & 3 large) + 1 hemp insert + 1 Bouncy Baby wetbag... I LOVE THIS...
2. Tiny Tapir is currently doing sales on this Bouncy Baby one size diaper... check it out.
3. This Giveaway will close on 30 July 2010.
Kakyong's shoppe - menjual kain lampin moden @ cloth diapers pada harga berpatutan - jenama Coolababy, QQbaby Minky & Babyland printed.

kalo suka dengan n3 ni, sila tekan yer..!!
yan · 766 weeks ago
huiyooo buleh tahan jugak yer harganya..
kakyong72 119p · 766 weeks ago
kat situ mainly jual produk yg pasti kualiti lebih berbanding CD murah..
kalo ade rezeki menang CD bouncy baby ni... huhhhhuu, memang sonok lah..
nanti boleh buat perbandingan dgn CD yg dah ada ni..
lindonut · 766 weeks ago
kakyong72 119p · 766 weeks ago
dah bb cute.. so brg2 baby kena lah cute... ;)