HY : Rules nya tak de tulis tak boleh jawab dalam BM,... kan! so teman akan jawab guna 2-2 bahasa.. ok !?
Rules: Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of yr name to answer each of the following questions.They have to be real nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initials, u must use different answers.You cannot use any word twice and you cant use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1.What is your name: Habibah
2.A four letter word: Haru
3.A boy's name: Haziq4.A girl's name: Halimah
5.An occupation: Hakim6.A color: Hitam
7.Something you'll NOT wear: High Heel8.A famous person: Haron Din (Dr)
9.Something found in the bathroom: Hose10.A food: Honey
11.A place: Holland12.A reason for being late: Heart-broken
13.Something you'd shout: Help!!!!!14:A movie title: Hulk
15.Something u drink: Herbal tea16.A musical group: Headwind... kita serupa.. hadir ku utk mengubat luka.. haha.. nostalgik nyer..
17.An animal: Hedehog18.A street: Hang Tuah Street
19.A type of car: Hyundai20.The title of a song: Hiba by Hujan
kakyong : takde sesapa nak di tag..

kalo suka dengan n3 ni, sila tekan yer..!!