Ibu memang tak berapa pandai bab2 nak join2 contest ni.. rasanya baru 2 kali join contest, sekali yg mama Aqish buat & satu lagi yang MomBloggersPlanet. Masa dok jengah2 blog kawan-kawan, ramai yang rajin join contest, jadi ibu pun menanam azam jugak lah untuk memeriahkan sekali.. konon2 sebagai motivasi.. motivasi apa ntah lah.. janji ibu dapat rasa lebih seronok & hepi.
Daddy's Dearest Contest ini dianjurkan oleh Isabelle - mama Adam Zuhair. 
How to participate?
Just follow the steps below and the prizes could be yours!1. Add Isabelle...frankly in your blogroll@bloglist and become my follower.2. Write a short entry in your blog about this contest (it could be in Bahasa Melayu or English - up to you) and put up the Daddy's Dearest banner (above).3. Upload a creative/dramatic photo of the father with son/daughter and explain why do you think your picture is unique.4. Include a link back to this blog and this contest in the entry.This blog - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/ This contest - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/2009/06/daddys-dearest-contest.html5. Tell me about your entry by leaving a comment here with the link to the entry.

Foto yang dramatik/kreatif... terlalu subjektif untuk dinilai.. Foto ni, ayah dengan Anis. Anis ni memang anak ayah. Boleh kata muka Anis lebih banyak mengikut ayah.. yang mahal dagu nyer tu.. orang lah cakap. Anis kalo nak minum, nak makan, nak susu, nak mandi, mesti cari ayah. dulu. signifikan frasa bila panggil ayah "ayah ohh yah... " dan bila ayah tak menyahut.. "ooo yah! ooo yah ! ooo yah! " Apa uniknya foto ni.. heheh, ayah & anis tengah main & nyanyi "set-set-set , tom-tom-tom".. tengah boring tunggu makanan tak sampai2 lagi...

*The prize would be something special for the moms (as I believe only moms will spend time to do this...hahaha*
Terms and conditions
- This contest is only opened to Malaysian bloggers only.
- The contest starts on 1st June 2009 and ends on 19th June 2009.
- You must put the required links in your entry. Else, it will be disqualified without notice.
- Winners will be selected based on the most creative pix that resemble daddy-child closeness.
- Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
- Winners will be announced in this blog and will also be contacted via email.

kalo suka dengan n3 ni, sila tekan yer..!!
12 kawan ibu yang hebat:
haah ler kak yong..tang dagu sama betul....join contest eh..gud luck...
kakyong...apa suda jadi sama pantang kakyong? Kiki...
cayalah kakyong... hehe, gud luck
sweet nyer anis dan ayah..
aah.samalah dagu..kite same2 join ek.good luck kak yong & ayah anis!! hehe
alamak... yanpun tak terbuat2 lg entry ni..
tunggu nak snap gambo.. tp takde yg menarik..
ade moment yg menarik... tp dah termiss..
klu nak diplan balik tkut kalau plan.. gambarnye tak cantek..
good luck sis
eh, memang samalah dagu ayah anis dengan anis... :)
good luck kak yong! :)
dagu unik arr..macam ni memang kompem anak ayah..gud luck kak yong!
salam semua
terima kasih.. sajer nak memeriahkan majlis.. ;;)
sitisifir ~ bila plak lah daku berpantang nih... ade ke daku telah tersasul ckp tak mo join contest... ;))
haah la.. sejibik muke ayah dia la anis ni.. hehe.. gud luck jugak!
Kak Yong dah masuk kemaruk contest juga..:D takpe kita memeriahkan jea...
Muka Anis tak tumpah macam ayah dia.. Kalau ada peradun muka seiras ayah n anak.. confirm bole menang:)..
Good luck yea KYong.. saya blum buat lagi contest nie.. takde gambar baru..
anak perempuan mmg rapat ngan ayah.. :)
gudluck ye kakyong..
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